Bukit Subok Forest Reserve Recreational Park

 ¿Qué ver en Bukit subok forest reserve recreational park, Brunéi?

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The Bukit Subok Forest Reserve Recreational Park is a popular tourist destination located in Brunei's capital city of Bandar Seri Begawan. The park is open daily from 6am to 6pm and the entrance fee is free.

Visitors can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and picnicking in the lush green forests. The park is also home to several species of flora and fauna, including monkeys, birds, and butterflies.

There is no official website for the Bukit Subok Forest Reserve Recreational Park, but visitors can find more information at the Brunei Tourism website.

Nearby attractions include the Royal Regalia Museum, which showcases Brunei's rich cultural heritage, and the Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, which is one of the most beautiful mosques in Southeast Asia. Both attractions are open daily from 9am to 5pm.

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